Last updated at Tue, 02 Apr 2024 13:30:00 GMT

第一次在一个新的国家开始职业生涯可能会令人生畏. For Rudina Tafhasaj, 她成为Rapid7高级应用工程师的道路充满了独特的挑战, 和 incredible rewards.

在成长过程中,鲁迪娜受到哥哥的启发,进入了科技行业. “He loved computers, 和 he was always opening up our big PC. 我很好奇,会偷偷摸摸地看看他在做什么,”Rudina说. “随着我长大,我看到科技的进步在很多方面帮助改善了生活. 我知道这将是未来的重要组成部分,我想参与其中.”

But technology wasn’t her only passion at a young age.

“我内心深处的梦想和激情是成为一名演员——这是完全不同的! 当我长大, 我意识到我其实很喜欢表演中的创造力, 和 having the opportunity to network 和 work with other people.” While there may not always be cameras rolling, Rudina觉得她对表演的热爱和她今天的角色之间有很多相似之处. “I can be creative in code, I can role play different scenarios, 和 this career is a way for me to tap into both of my passions. 我能够从事真正有影响力的技术工作,在这种方式上,我既能发挥创造力,又能与各种不同的人和团队合作.”

At the very beginning of her career, Rudina面临着一个独特的挑战,包括从她在阿尔巴尼亚的家搬到捷克共和国的一个新城市. “It wasn’t easy moving to Prague. I had a tough time adjusting because I had never traveled, never lived on my own, 从未有过一份专业的工作——而在这里,我同时解决了这三个问题!” As the only daughter in a family with three brothers, 她指出,在做出如此重大的生活改变时,她必须与家人一起为自己辩护. While working as a Junior Developer, 她必须努力克服挑战,并在工作中产生影响.

“At my first job, as I was navigating all of this change, I got a really critical piece of feedback from my manager. I wasn’t developing my skills as much as he expected to see. 如果我不作出一些显著的改进,我就有丢掉工作的危险.”

This hard conversation served as a wakeup call for Rudina, 并点燃了她投资学习和加强技能的决心,这样她就可以实现自己的目标. While the feedback was hard to hear, Rudina指出,她的经理一直支持她的成长,并希望帮助她取得成功. 6个月, 我醒了, 去上班了, 回家, 吃晚饭, 和 then studied until it was time for bed. After doing that on repeat, 我的经理看到了我学习和成长速度的显著提高. While there was still more to learn, 他对我的奉献精神印象深刻,而我也在我的角色中不断成长.”

Rudina’s hard work paid off, 和 two years later, 她的职业生涯更进一步,在巴克莱银行担任Salesforce开发人员. “我非常感激有一位经理能够给我提供我需要的反馈, 同时也鼓励我坚持下去,并一路提供支持.”

Now a Senior Software Engineer at Rapid7, 她带着强烈的自豪感和成就感回想起她的旅程. “无论我在以前的雇主那里经历了什么挑战,都使我成为了Rapid7的最佳人选, 和 I’m grateful for all of my past experiences.” Overcoming challenges can sometimes feel uncomfortable, but it is often necessary to grow 和 move our careers forward. “It’s a continuous cycle too, as you grow 和 get more experience, 你继续设定更高的目标,寻求下一个挑战. 在你的职业生涯中,总有更多的东西需要学习,有更多的成长方式,尤其是在技术领域.”

她对持续增长的渴望最终促使她在2023年来到了Rapid7在布拉格的最新办公室. “我觉得我已经准备好迎接新的挑战,这些挑战将继续加速我的成长.” When looking at where to go next, 对于下一个雇主,她有三个要求.

  1. A clear development plan with support from her manager
  2. A culture rooted in honesty 和 trust
  3. Competitive 和 fair compensation for her work. 随着她事业的不断发展,她的收入潜力也在不断增长.

“When interviewing for the role at Rapid7, I found evidence of everything on my list, 和 so much more as well. 最突出的是与我合作的业务分析师或项目经理给予我的信任和责任. They will share what they are looking to do, 然后给我责任和自主权,让我勇往直前,找到实现梦想的方法——即使我是新人. 这种信任让我感觉很好,而且我的想法也受到了尊重和重视.”

当被问及她会给那些想要接受新角色的人什么建议时, she says to note down what your expectations 和 goals are. “利用面试时间问一些你需要问的问题,以帮助你了解这是否适合你, 或不.Rudina说,在打电话之前把事情定义好,可以帮助你保持正轨,并在权衡选择时获得最大价值. “在面试过程中我有很多问题,但因为我能够得到答案, 我带着一种非常自信的感觉离开了,我觉得Rapid7的这个角色就是我一直在寻找的.”

For Rudina, growth 和 development was essential in her next role. As someone who embraces new challenges, 并通过她每天的行动和工作代表了Rapid7的核心价值观, it didn’t take long for her to be offered yet another opportunity. 在入职的头三个月,她就有机会担任团队领导. She looks forward to continuing to make an impact in her work, 发展她的事业, 并通过参与Rapid7女性影响小组来支持其他人.

要了解更多关于职业机会和在Rapid7工作的感受,请访问我们的 职业网站.